Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Barnard Bee FIRST ISSUE March 8, 1902


Well, hello, anyway!  Here we are---the BARNARD BEE, Vol, No. 1.

How do you like it?  It's not much for size, but we will try to make it as interesting for our readers as we can, especially for those who monkey with the business end of the critter.

Some weeks ago we met Mr. Ed Marshal, one of Barnard's merchants, on the train, and he couldn't talk about anything else but Barnard.  Among other things he said the town needed a paper.  As we had a plant that wasn't working, we made a note of Barnard's long felt want, and Tuesday of this week we determined to take a look at the situation.  We cam, we saw and were conquered.  The little city looked good to us.  And we believe that when our readers cast their optics over the several columns of ads in this issue, they will conclude that the Barnard merchants are real live men---the genuine article.  There are over five pages of ads, and for the benefit of our brothers of the craft we will say that a flat rate of 25 cents an inch was charged, and cheerfully paid by the merchants for every inch of advertising in this first issue.  The rate hereafter, will be 12 1/2 c for insertion and 10 c for repeals.  Locals 5 and 4 c per line.  But home merchants will be given preferences.  No money will buy space for outside advertisers whose lines are represented by home people.  Just as long as the business men of Barnard support the paper there will be no space for outside competition at any price.

The Bee is the first paper Barnard has had for ten or twelve years.  The first venture of the kind was started by a man named Figgy sometime in the late '80s.  He called it the News.  He continued to the work three or four years and was succeeded by Ike Ballard who left the town without a paper after two years work.  Barnard was not half as good a business pint then as now.  Half the building were for rent and work was hard to get and illy paid for.  Today there is not a vacant store building nor residence in Barnard, and when you see man loafing, it's because he can't help it--he's built that way.  But you will not see many of that class in Barnard.  there is work for anyone who wants it and at good wages.

Now Barnard has wanted a paper for some time.  you have finally got one and what the printer wants to know is how many of you are going to subscribe for it.  Don't be bashful, walk right up to the captain's office and plunk down your dollar for a year's subscription.  As we said before--IT'S YOUR MOVE!


It occurs to the writer that a building and loan association would do a thriving business in this little town.  while there is some building going on, yet there is positive need of more buildings both for residence and business purposes.  there is not a vacant building of any description on the town site.  A the present moment there is need of almost fifteen buildings.  Now, why wouldn't it be a good plan for our business men to get together and organize a building and loan association?  Such institutions make it possible for people to build who could not otherwise do so.  It is on the books for Barnard to be a mighty good town in the near future--fact is it's a mighty good town right now.  But there's a whole lot of ground laying around here that would make good building lots and there are renters and buyers waiting for them.

For topographical reasons, Barnard it bound to be a good business point.  We have an immense territory to draw from and we ought to see to it that no advantage is overlooked.

Had we shelter for the people we believe Barnard could increase its population 100 souls in the next three months.

Think about it.

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