This is a blog about a small town in Kansas that is trying to keep from disappearing. Barnard, Kansas is a small but interesting little town. Mostly peaceful, sometimes serene, occasionally scandalous, but never boring. Contact the Barnard Banter at

Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
A Haunted Houghton Tradition in Barnard
The Houghton's Haunted House is open tonight...the 27th and on Wednesday October 31st...Halloween. For many years the Houghton's have opened their haunted house to the public free of charge. Every year, something new is added. This year because of the many new attractions, they asked that pictures of the interior not be published until after Halloween...however, a couple of teaser pics of the exterior are included. It is definitely worth the drive to Barnard (509 N. Main) to get your frights. When I was there tonight, an attendee burst into terrifying screams, so don't just take my word for it!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Barnard Banter Readership Update
The Barnard Banter is now read in 40 countries over 6 continents. That means that people in 20% of the countries in the world read about Barnard, Kansas. It has (of this posting) 12,291 readers. I am happy to be able to share things about Barnard and to help others share about Barnard. Thank you for helping to make the Barnard Banter a success.
The countries and provinces/commonwealths that read are:
United States
Puerto Rico
Czech Republic
United Kingdom
Taiwan aka Republic of China
Cote d'Ivoire
Hong Kong
South Korea
Trinidad and Tobago
People's Republic of China
Saudi Arabia
If I have missed anyone...I apologize.
The countries and provinces/commonwealths that read are:
United States
Puerto Rico
Czech Republic
United Kingdom
Taiwan aka Republic of China
Cote d'Ivoire
Hong Kong
South Korea
Trinidad and Tobago
People's Republic of China
Saudi Arabia
If I have missed anyone...I apologize.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Barnard Bee Wedding Announcements...1902
24 April 1902
Mr. Edgar Baker and Miss Lillian Hawkins were married at the home of the bride's parents, one mile north of Lincoln, last week. Mr. Baker is a son of Representative Baker, and is one of the proprietors of the Lincoln Sentinel.
8 May 1902
Judge VanNetta united in the holy bonds of wed-lock, C. L. Rees, son of Dr. John Rees, and Miss Pearl Brockway, one of Mitchell county's school teachers, at Beloit Monday, April 28th.
The many friends of these young people will congratulate them in their happiness. They were both raised in this vicinity, and are highly respected by all who know them. Here's the best wishes of the Bee.
5 June 1902
At Barnard, Ks, May 30, 1902, Annie L. Parsons, to John H. Hood, Rev. E.B. Wells officiating.
Miss Parsons is the daughter of Chas. Parsons, a well-to-do farmer, five miles south west of town. She is well known and highly popular. Mr. Hood is a young man well spoken of, who has spent the last few years in this vicinity. His home is in Simpson. Here's congratulations of the Bee.
17 July 1902
Marion Crowl and Mrs. Martha Bushong went over to Lincoln Tuesday and were married. They returned quite late that same evening, which face saved them from being the victims of a charivari, as quite a number of the friends of both had gathered for that purpose, but after waiting until they were tired out they dispersed.
The contracting parties are so well and favorably known that nothing that we can say will add to their popularity. They have both resided in this community a number of years and have a host of friends whom the Bee joins in wishing them much happiness and a long life.
7 August 1902
When Miss Alice Joseph and her sister Mrs. O. J. Perkins went to Hutchinson last week their Barnard friends little thought that a wedding was in view. But such was the case.
As most of our Barnard readers know, Mr. VeRon has been engaged in theatrical work since leaving Barnard, and the nature of the work is such that he could not leave his company, so arrangements were made to meet at Hutchinson where Miss Alice had relatives.
The ceremony was performed August 1st that made them one, and the happy couple are the recipients of teh congratulations of their many friends.
Miss Joseph is the daughter of John Joseph, formerly of this place, but now located at Gibbon, Oklahoma. She is a particularly accomplished young woman with a host of admiring friends in this vicinity who have known her from childhood.
Mr VeRon is not only an able man in his chosen profession, but a good printer, and while he was connected with this paper made many friends in Barnard who will congratulate him in his new life.
20 November 1902
Just as we go to press we learn that Al Wright, of Elkhorn district, and Miss Lulu, daughter of Abe King, were married Wednesday at Lincoln. The Bee congratulates.
27 November 1902
At the residence of the bride's parents in Milo, Kan., Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1902, at 6 o'clock a. m., Annie E., the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R White, Elder H. R. Gouldin officiating.
That's why the editor of this paper rose so early yesterday morning -- four o'clock; we went to the wedding.
We found the White home well filled with friends and relatives of the contracting parties. Promptly at six o'clock that patriarch of parsons, Elder Gouldin began the ceremony that was to unite two loving hearts for life. The beautiful ceremony was soon over and the guests sat down to the splendid wedding breakfast that had been prepared.
The bride was gowned in white silk, trimmed with white applique, all beautifully set off with white chrysanthemums tied with white ribbon. Later she appeared in a traveling dress, an exceedingly neat conception of the tailor-made art.
The groom was dressed in conventional black and made a model looking benedict in every way.
The bride, as Annie White was loved by all her associates. As Mrs. Howard Wright she will know a greater love – her husband's.
It was a happy wedding, the kind we like to see – no "solemncholy" about it; everybody seemed to be thoroughly happy.
Many and beautiful were the tokens of love presented by admiring friends.
At about 8:15 the newly wedded couple took the train for Denver. From there they go to Las Vegas, New Mex., thence to Ft. Worth, Texas. Will return in about two weeks to Howard's home near Milo. The Bee wishes them a pleasant trip and safe return.
And thus is recorded another chapter in the history of two counties.
Howard W. Wright was the first white child born in Ottawa county, Kans., date of his birth being May 17, 1860. His father, the late S. M. Wright, and mother (maiden name Elizabeth Humbarger) located on Pipe creek one mile north of where Minneapolis now stands in the fall of '58 where they built a log cabin. It was nearly two years later that Howard came to brighten the lives of the daring young couple who were not afraid to brave the dangers and hardships of frontier life.
The family moved to Lincoln county in 1869, locating on 2d creek, 3½ miles northeast of where Milo now stands.
In the days of Howard's early childhood, buffalo and Indians were to be seen on every hand. The nearest neighbor, Gus Marvek, lived 12 miles away. Marvek was quite a genius in his way – a natural artist with the brush; but as a cook he would hardly pass in an up to date cafe – he insisted on using gray wolf lard for short'ning.
These pioneers went to mill at Junction City, about 65 miles distant, by ox team, a long and arduous trip.
In 1863 the Cheyenne and Pawnee Indians burned the grass along the Solomon river in order to drive the buffaloes south for the winter. For three days and nights the thunder of the thousands of hoofs was heard as they passed the Wright claim in vast herds. The day after the stampede fifteen carcases [sic] were found where they had run over the banks of Pipe creek. Their eyes had been burnt out by the fire, and in agony and fear they had unwittingly gone to their death in the creek.
On one occasion when Howard was about six years old a party of drunken Indians came to the Wright cabin and ran things to suit themselves. The little paleface-papoose was a great curiosity to them, and they amused themselves by holding him up by the heels, the terrified mother expecting to see her darling baby killed any minute. The Indians finally tired of their sport and went away, but they stole all of Howard's clothes when they went.
Howard lived in Kansas until he was 21, when he went on the range in No Man's Land, where he remained five years. From there he went to New Mexico and Arizona, where he saw some stirring times while engaged in the cattle business. He says it was almost a continual fight with the thieving greasers. He then went to Colorado where he spent some ten years in the same business.
He returned to the old home near Milo last fall because of his father's death, so that he might take care of his mother who is 71 years old.
Twenty-five years of rough life on the plains and cattle range has given Howard a rugged constitution and splendid physique. He has been highly successful in the cattle business, and today is one of our most substantial and most respected citizens. It’s the hope of all that he and his estimable wife may never be tempted to leave our midst.
18 December 1902
On Dec. 16, at the residence of the bride's parents in Barnard, by Rev. H.R. Gouldin, Mabel Sharp to Archie J. Brockway.
The bride is the adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Snapp; the groom is a prosperous young farmer living on Fourth creek.
We have not the pleasure of an acquaintance with these young people, but hear nothing but good words for them. We understand they are both native Kansans, and that of itself is a guaranty of merit. Here's the Bee's best wishes.
These marriages were gleaned by Craig Trost and retrieved from
8 May 1902
5 June 1902
17 July 1902
7 August 1902
20 November 1902
27 November 1902
18 December 1902
These marriages were gleaned by Craig Trost and retrieved from
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