Well, I'm kind of out of the loop right now as I am finishing up my fall semester courses. Things seem calm in Barnard for now. Just a few things to mention...
Mrs. Murray had some difficulty a while back but seems to be doing well.
Nick Wallace replaced the garage door that his step-daughter Carly drove the van into. Frankly, I told her that if she were my daughter and she had to ask whether or not she had to stop, she wouldn't have driven until she was 18 and moved out of my house.
The city bought some gravel and filled in some of the holes in the streets. Hopefully, they will be able to find a more long-term solution that the city can afford.
There has been some progress in regards to saving the water tower.
There will be an article/photo spread about Nancy's and Doug's haunted house soon. They did a great job and went all out. Another interesting thing about it is that it was all constructed using recycled/reclaimed/repurposed items.
Charlene Watson has a couple of things that I need to post as well...I enjoy her writings immensely, I hope you do too.
The hunters are definitely out and about. Leon Hart's hunting lodges are seeing quite a few guests. Just a note...please remember that the Griffeth properties east of town around Cramb's Corner are NO HUNTING areas. Deer season starts on November 30th. The game warden has been out in the area.
If you have any news you want to share, email it to me at tazirk@aol.com and put Barnard Banter in the subject line. I also will post items, cars, and property for sale. There is no charge for me to post it. There is never a charge to read.
Happy Thanksgiving and Best Wishes to All. Thank you for reading.
This is a blog about a small town in Kansas that is trying to keep from disappearing. Barnard, Kansas is a small but interesting little town. Mostly peaceful, sometimes serene, occasionally scandalous, but never boring. Contact the Barnard Banter at barnardbanter@aol.com.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Cathy Brockway is Serving Breakfast November 12
Cathy Brockway, who will be re-opening the cafe, will be serving breakfast at the Barnard community building from 5 am to 10 am.
Biscuits and gravy
Breakfast casserole
$6 adults
$3 children
Biscuits and gravy
Breakfast casserole
$6 adults
$3 children
Thursday, November 10, 2011
A Bit of Information About the Barnard Banter
The Barnard Banter is an online blog/newspaper that was intended to take over where the Barnard Bee left off. The Banter is not a money-making entity but a service for the community and those that want to read about the Barnard community.
In addition to the news items, commentaries, and writing presented...we are willing to post things that our readers would like to post. If you have something to give away or sell...or you have an event that you want people to know about...send us an email with Barnard Banter in the subject line. There is no cost...it is free. You can email me at tazirk@aol.com.
Thank you for reading the Barnard Banter. The Barnard Banter is now read in 10 countries around the world.
Travis Zirkle
In addition to the news items, commentaries, and writing presented...we are willing to post things that our readers would like to post. If you have something to give away or sell...or you have an event that you want people to know about...send us an email with Barnard Banter in the subject line. There is no cost...it is free. You can email me at tazirk@aol.com.
Thank you for reading the Barnard Banter. The Barnard Banter is now read in 10 countries around the world.
Travis Zirkle
Barnard Water Tower Receives National Attention
On Saturday, November 5, 2011, a packet of information about the Barnard water tower was presented to the Kansas Preservation Alliance. The KPA is a non-profit corporation that helps organizations across the state with historical preservation projects. At this board meeting there were representatives from the Kansas State Historical Society and federal historical agencies. Those in attendance were excited to have this come their way. It was said that not only is it a Kansas landmark, but it is also of great significance nationwide.
More to come...
Thanksgiving Prayer/Harvest time submitted by Bill and Charlene Watson
Happy Thanksgiving -- Charlene and Bill
I visited here today and thought that you would enjoy it too! - check this out at: http://wandascountryhome.com/thanksgivingprayer/index.html
I'm Fine by Charlene Watson
I'm Fine
(Author Unknown)
Submitted by Charlene Watson
It is better to say "I'm fine" with a grin,
than to let people know the shape I'm in.
There's nothing the matter with me,
I'm just as healthy as can be,
I have arthritis in both knees,
and when I talk, I talk with a wheeze.
My pulse is weak, my blood is thin,
but I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in.
And arch supports I need for my feet.
Or I wouldn't be able to go out in the street.
Sleep is denied me night after night,
but every morning I find I'm all right.
My memory's failing, my head's in a spin,
but I'm awfully well for the shape I'm in.
Old age is golden, I've heard it said,
but sometimes I wonder, as I go to bed.
With my ears in a dreawer, my teeth in a cup,
and my glasses on a shelf, until I get up.
And when sleep dims my eyes, I say to myself,
is there anything else I should lay on the shelf?
The reason I know my Youth has been spent,
is my get-up-and-go has got-up-and-went!
But really I don't mind, when I think with a grin,
of all the places my get-up has been.
I get up each morning and dust off my wits,
pick up the paper and read the obits.
If my name is missing, I'm therefore not dead,
so I eat a good breakfast and jump back into bed.
The moral of this as the tale unfolds,
is that for you and me, who are growing old.
It is better to say "I'm fine" with the grin,
than to let people know the shape we are in.
City Utilities to Increase Slightly
On October 17, 2011 at the Lincoln County Commissioners meeting...
Al Joe Wallace moved to grant RanDan, Inc a twenty-five cent per household per month increase for solid waste collection within the cities of Barnard, Beverly , Lincoln Center and Sylvan Grove due to the increase in insurance and fuel costs, seconded by Steve Errebo. Motion carried.
In reaction to this, the city council voted to increase the Barnard trash rate to compensate. You should notice the increase on your bill due in February 2012.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Cathy Brockway, of Barnard, approached the city council on Monday, November 7, to ask permission to lease the former Betty's Place/Annette's Country Kitchen location. After visiting with Cathy, the council voted to approve it.
Cathy plans to open the cafe after the first of the year. She will be cooking and hosting a couple of meals at the community center between now and then. Cathy worked at the cafe during its last incarnation. Best wishes and success for Cathy's new venture.
Other cafe news...
Arnold Good won the rifle drawing. The cafe fund that the city has established benefited from that drawing. The funds will go towards re-roofing and insulating the roof structure of the cafe building.
Cathy plans to open the cafe after the first of the year. She will be cooking and hosting a couple of meals at the community center between now and then. Cathy worked at the cafe during its last incarnation. Best wishes and success for Cathy's new venture.
Other cafe news...
Arnold Good won the rifle drawing. The cafe fund that the city has established benefited from that drawing. The funds will go towards re-roofing and insulating the roof structure of the cafe building.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Ella Dryden as I Remeber Her by Charlene Watson
Ella Dryden as I remember her
By Charlene Watson
Everyone in Barnard knows the story of how Ella and Jimmy Dryden met and fell in love as youngsters in Edinburgh, Scotland, in the early 1900's but were separated for many years after Jimmy emigrated to the United States. They both married and lived their own lives until many years later in 1966 when Jimmy came back to Scotland to visit after they had both lost their mates. Before he returned home, Jimmy asked Ella to marry him and come to the United States to live.
As Ella told it in her delightful Scottish burr, “I just hopped on a plane and arrived in Boston in February of 1968, wondering if I had done the right thing traveling all that way to marry Jimmy.” All her doubts were dispelled, however, when Jimmy and his family met her at the airport in Wichita and gave her a wonderful welcome. They were married in March fourteen days after she arrived here; and she became an American citizen in September of that same year.
I tell you all of this to explain how this delightful little white haired Scottish lady came to live in Barnard and become part of the First Baptist Church family.
Jimmy had suffered many physical setbacks and was confined to a wheelchair by the time his daughter Lila and son-in-law George moved them to Milo and then later into Barnard. They enjoyed traveling and seeing the country for some time until Jim suffered a brain injury in a serious car wreck. He was no longer able to drive a car so this spunky little haired Scottish lady learned to drive a car for the first time in her life. She continued to care for him in their home. This was what everyone loved and admired about her; she didn't let anything keep her down.
“After the wreck Jim was just like a child and I had many heartaches and tears but through it all, the Lord never failed me. I was given the strength to carry out my task of taking care of him,” Ella said. After his death in 1977, Ella returned to the little house in Barnard where she and Jim had spent their last years together.
Ella was very active in the First Baptist Church. She had been a professional seamstress in Scotland and loved to sew. She spent many hours working on quilts and other projects with the Missionary ladies.
Ella also sang in the choir and it was always a treat to hear her clear soprano voice ringing out with praise to her Lord. The whole congregation looked forward to the Sundays when she favored us with a solo, sung in her delightful soft Scottish burr.
Everybody in town knew and loved Ella with her pure white hair and her constant infectious smile. She seemed to be able to overcome any obstacle but Ella shared the following thoughts with me one day. “Outwardly I carry on as usual, inside I am heart broken. I miss Jim so much but time is a great healer and as I go on the hurt is easing.”
When Ella died in 1992 at the age of 94, it left a big hole in the life of her family, her community, and her church. Somehow, I am sure the two childhood sweethearts are together again in heaven and the lilt of their Scottish voices can be heard sharing a joke or telling a story. Who knows, perhaps Jim is entertaining them all with a Scottish Highland Jig and Ella is sitting on a cloud nearby singing hymns to her precious Lord and sewing costumes for the Angels to wear. This is the way I will always remember Ella.
– (Charlene's Freelance Publications, Barnard, KS)
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