William George (Bill) Watson
William George Watson, better known as Bill, was born on February 22, 1934 in Lincoln County Kansas, to Emery H. Watson and Hazel A. (Loy) Watson. He passed away on December 30, 2014, at the Mitchell County Hospital in Beloit, Kansas, after a lengthy illness.
Bill spent the first five years of his life on a farm west of Barnard, Kansas. He attended Rocky Point Country School, located across the road from his home, for the first year of school. This was during the Kansas Dust Bowl years and was not an easy time for the family.
In 1939 or 1940 the family moved to a farm northwest of Barnard, where Bill lived for the rest of his life. He attended grade school in Barnard and graduating from Barnard Rural High School with the class of 1952. While in school he participated in baseball, basketball, and football, school plays, and was an active member of the Salt Creek 4-H Club. He became the 4-H Club livestock leader as the years went by and his own children joined the club. Bill had fond memories of walking or riding his horse to school with other kids throughout his freshman year of high school. After graduation Bill enlisted in the U.S. Army Active Reserves in 1953 and was in the QMCUSA through May 31, 1961.

Bill met his future wife at a surprise birthday party at the home of his parents in February 1952. Two years later on June 11, 1954 he married Charlene May Rawlings at the Presbyterian Church in Beloit, Kansas. In his words, she became his wife, his lifetime partner and the love of his life. The couple made their home on the family farm near Barnard where they raised their five children, Vicki, Beverly, Dwight, Jeana and Ginger.
When he graduated from high school, Bill’s parents gave him three registered Hereford cows and this was the foundation for a lifetime in the registered Hereford business. Seeing that the future of the Hereford breed was in the Polled Hereford segment, Bill and his new bride switched to the Poll’s in 1954-1955 and continued to raise them for the next 60 plus years.
Bill’s “love for raising and showing cattle” continued throughout his life as he and his family showed in local, state, and national cattle shows all over the country. He also raised Registered Australian Blue Heeler dogs. The Watson’s had an enjoyable life with a host of cattle friends they made throughout the U.S, Canada, Australia, and the world. Bill was proud of being the Lincoln County Wheat King and later named the Outstanding Farmer of Lincoln County.
Bill was baptized and became a member of the First Baptist Church of Barnard, where he served as a Deacon in later years. He was a member of the Barnard Masonic Lodge, Barnard Chapter 360 Order of the Eastern Star, Barnard Lions Club, and the Lincoln County Hereford Assn. He was a lifetime member of both the American Hereford Assn. and the American Polled Hereford Assn. He served as a director on the Salt Creek Watershed Board for over 30 years and was active in county and state Republican organizations.
Bill enjoyed attending his children and grandchildren’s activities and sporting events over the years. He celebrated his 80th Birthday on February 22, 2014 and the Watson’s celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary on June 14, 2014.
Bill was preceded in death by his parents. Survivors include his wife Charlene of the home, five children: Vicki (Doug) Lebien, Lincoln; Beverly Boling (Rob Daniels), Tulsa, Oklahoma; Dwight (Tracy) Watson, Barnard; Jeana (Mark) Eckhart, Lincoln; and Ginger (Steve) Sedbrook, WaKeeney. Also, seven granddaughters, seven grandsons and six great grandchildren, all of whom he loved dearly.